The Central Government Real Estate Agency uses Building Information Modelling (BIM) to obtain up-to-date, concrete, reliable information on buildings under its management. BIM is a digital 3D building model integrating all data related to the design, build, and management processes. All the relevant parties can work with this information. A growing number of building firms, design agencies and other construction-sector enterprises work with BIM.
Uniform building information and information management
Building Information Modelling (BIM) gives the Central Government Real Estate Agency concrete, reliable, uniform information on its stock of buildings. We use this information for various reasons, for example:
- to manage contracts
- to manage buildings
- to monitor the quality, safety and health aspects of our buildings
- to account for the buildings under our management as part of our stock
Our use of BIM complements our efforts to maintain professional commissioning practices in the public sector.
Prescribed BIM standards
In future, the Central Government Real Estate Agency wishes to have access to long-term, reliable information on its stock of buildings. That is why we have prescribed a set of BIM standards for building and maintenance providers, known as the RVB BIM Norm. A provider must supply a permanent stream of up-to-date building information product in order to comply with these standards, for example in the form of building models and graphics. These products contain the data prescribed under the standards. We prescribe the RVB BIM Norm for DBFMO contracts and for a number of integrated management contracts.
Contractors are only obliged to deliver information products under the BIM standards if their contract so dictates. Otherwise, contractors may decide for themselves whether or not to supply information products in accordance with the BIM standards. In all cases, the data must satisfy the requirements stipulated in the relevant contract.
BIM Norm
The BIM Norm only describes the specifications for the BIM information products that you are obliged to deliver as the contractor. In the case of DBFMO and other integrated contracts, the performance requirements are described in the output specifications attached to the contract.
The output specifications indicate what you are to deliver and when, and according to which specifications. You are otherwise at liberty to design and organise your “BIM process” as you see fit.
The present BIM Norm states the following:
- You must include all material and spatial elements covered by the output specifications in the building model.
- The requested functions must be linked to the building model. This shows the relevant elements and rooms for assessing the performance requirements.
- You must supply the data from the building model in the form of CAD graphics and in the IFC open file format.
Development of the BIM Norm and new versions
The current version of the BIM Norm does not (as yet) set requirements for many aspects, nor does it set general requirements. We have done this deliberately because we wish to encourage suppliers and contractors to make use of BIM. The lessons that we learn in this stage can be applied when producing new versions of the standards in the years ahead. We also intend to prescribe the standards for other types of contract. How the BIM standards develop also depends on how widely BIM is used in the sector and on advances in ICT.
Given the current stage of development, we have decided to apply the BIM standards on smaller scale. Gradually, we will gain more experience enforcing the standards and making use of BIM data. The DBFMO contracts for which we have prescribed BIM are still in the “design and build” phases. As yet, we have no experience in the “operate” phase.
Applying the BIM Norm for integrated contracts
In future, the Central Government Real Estate Agency intends to prescribe the BIM standards for various different types of contract. These contract types are themselves still being developed. When and how we will prescribe BIM for these contracts therefore depends on their progress.
BIM Norm for DBFMO contracts
In the case of DBFMO contracts, we apply the BIM Norm as a performance requirement in the output specifications. That makes this specific performance requirement one of the subjects covered by the monitoring and payment arrangements.
What this means for you as the contractor is that you must keep the building model and all files exported from that model up to date and make them available to us from the point at which the building is occupied. You must make the data available in digital data transfer environment to be designated for that purpose. We will set requirements for the design, reliability and security of that environment.
You must also deliver data in accordance with the BIM standards prior to the occupancy phase. We will not use this data to assess tenders.
BIM Norm for DBM contracts
The Central Government Real Estate Agency wishes to apply the BIM Norm for DBM contracts. As this type of contract is still at an early stage of development, application of the BIM standards in these contracts is also just getting started.
BIM Norm for integrated management contracts
In a few years’ time, the Central Government Real Estate Agency intends to apply the BIM Norm broadly for integrated management contracts for management and maintenance (multiyear integrated contracts). The situation will be similar to the DBFMO contract: as the contractor, you will keep the building model and all files exported from that model up to date and make them available to us. The BIM Norm will be included in the monitoring and payment arrangements.
Questions about the BIM Norm
As we continue developing the BIM standards, we welcome your questions, comments or additional information. Please e-mail them to the BIM post-office box: Please be aware that we do not undertake to answer every question, or to respond within a specified period of time.